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Personal Space

This page contains links along with summary of my personal experiences, Views, and storie
Please click on links given below to read in detail.

Few selected articles are as follows : 

Why i am an Athiest

Atheist , the word generally carries negative meaning with it.Atheist is the person who does not believe in the god and people use to think that being atheist means the person will do all kinds of sin and involve himself in activities considered to be against the norms of the society.

Rise of an Ordinary Kid

It was around 7 am and everyone in the heaven was waiting in line for his turn to get “Natural gift “ from the god himself . Some got artistic talent , some brilliance of mind , some management skills and so on every one was getting gifts of his choice .

The day when I got selected

It has been around 10 days since i was waiting for final results of Civil Services Exams -2010 .The level of anxiety was rising day by day and it reached just near the breaking point. Continuous hard work of 4 years with no outcome at all forced the flow of negative thought into strong castles of my mind .

Barbarika - The unsung soldier of Mahabharata

Barbarika was son of Ghatotkacha and grand son of Bhima . Every time someone tell me about Barbarika being grandson of Bhima , i use to get confused that how come Bhima have grandson so early . I read about it and found out that in Rakshas(Demon) clan the child attain adulthood within short period of time .

Entropy of mind : The Randomness

As per "Second law of Thermodynamics" Entropy of universe is supposed to continuously increase with time. Entropy is a term in thermodynamic which basically refers to disorder or randomness in a system.This entropy enters into mind of a person as soon it gets formed inside the womb of a mother and slowly slowly start unsettling it.

Canets vs Homus - Chapter 1 - Power Unknown

There used to live a unique kind of animal known as Canets , can be considered as ancestor of modern day canines(family canidae) which consist of 36 types of animals. The Canets were very agile and strong animals with razor sharp claws and strong enough teeth to easily crush bones.

Mathura Incident : Time to rethink or perish

Time has come to look into matters from police point of view as well and public movement have to be made to support the cause of policemen for which IPS officers have to take lead from the front otherwise soon we will see total lawlessness for which we our-self will be responsible.

The exPeRIenCE

To my horror as soon as I picked up my maths book I felt something weird happening,this weirdness was never felt before-"My bed was shaking".

CSAT : To be or Not to be

Last few months there has been increasing incident of protest in Delhi against CSAT . People who are protesting wants CSAT to be scrapped completely along with demand that the change should be implemented from this year onward. The short term demand is to postpone the CSAT exam which is slated to be held on 24th August.

Atheism : why should we follow it

The world of spirituality is seeing a huge change. More and more people are giving serious thought about spirituality than ever before. With plenty of options available, they want to balance a material life with a spiritual life. Secondly, instead of adopting the family religion, they are using their right to pick and choose.

A Typical hostel day during Exams

Its 1:00 PM and we all are back to the hostel after giving a paper and following day have to give another paper . So all in all we have less than 24 hours to prepare. But since I have just now given one exam so while having my lunch am in relaxing mode. Suddenly heard voice of one friend named Shashi says Fakka Pakka , Fakka Pakka (I will fail , i will fail ) . Other friends Parimal etc also joins in .... yes yes fakka pakka (i will also fail) followed by many others including me. Any outsider who will see the scene will feel that all these people will fail this exam .

A Few Line for My Dearest Sis

At the age of one year.....

I knocked the heaven's door....
God asked " My son , r you not happy on the beautiful earth where you have your angel mother and divine father"
I replied " But i don't have anyone like other children to play with and spend time "

Ancient Civilizations : Did they solely belong to homo sapiens?

Whenever our scientists get any evidence of ancient civilization, they generally assume it without almost any hesitation that the discovered civilization must have been developed by our own species (homo sapiens) and not by any other possible species.But we should not ignore the slightest possibility of civilization being developed by any other species.

The passing out from Academy

As the passing out day was coming close a sense happiness among all batchmates was growing. Don't know it was good or bad but due to very hectic schedule and almost nonstop parade practices we were not getting time to actually think much about it.

First Night drill in National Police Academy (NPA)

After a usual tiring day in NPA , i went to sleep at around 11pm. The alarm time in my mobile was as usual 5am in the morning.I was sleeping without having any idea of wht is going to happen with all of us in the night. Suddenly an announcement came " All Officer Trainee please come down with in next 10 mins"


So finally the day came. And while in bus crowd was divided in to two type of people , first type was hyperactive and second type was completly silent . Both types are sign of anxiety we all were having.

The Sarkari way of Working

Since the childhood days whatever i got to know about the functioning of government department, the perception always have been of inefficient,slow and corrupt way of doing work. As i grow up this view got stronger.

Shakuni - Was he villain without any reason?

Dhritrashtra wanted them to starve to death and thus provide only a handful of rice to each of them.One by one they started dying of hunger. King Subala, worried about his dynasty, convinced all his family members to sacrifice their food for the youngest and most intelligent son (Shakuni) who would be ultimately responsible for the downfall of Kauravas.

Uttarakhand,Electronic media and Politicians

As soon as the disaster hit the state , the NDRF , Army and ITBP came into action to rescue the victims of flood. In initial phase when weather was hostile the rescue efforts were hampered due to the weather condition . But still these forces kept on doing whatever they can do.

Happy B'day Sis :)

Need of Terrorism Court

Terrorism have become a big problem now a days .Whenever it seems that now it will all stop now , a bomb blast takes place and make us realize that we are still not safe .

Shock in the Mid-Night

It was around 11pm in the night of 7th September, I was feeling very sleepy and was lying on the bed. As soon as i went into deep sleep , I felt as if someone is shaking me .

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वसुधा का नेता कौन हुआ

सच है, विपत्ति जब आती है, कायर को ही दहलाती है, शूरमा नहीं विचलित होते, क्षण एक नहीं धीरज खोते, विघ्नों को गले लगाते हैं, काँटों में राह बनाते हैं।