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Sanya Declaration of the BRICS Leaders Meeting 2011

The 2011 BRICS summit took place in Sanya on the island of Hainan, China, on 14 April 2011. This was the third BRICS summit since 2009. The meeting took place between the five heads of state/heads of government from the BRICS states following bilateral meetings in the prior days.
Leaders attended;
  1. Hu Jintao (host), President of China
  2. Dilma RousseffPresident of Brazil
  3. Manmohan SinghPrime Minister of India
  4. Dmitry MedvedevPresident of Russia
  5. Jacob ZumaPresident of South Africa
Summary of the Joint Declaration 
The leaders released a joint document, Sanya Declaration, at the BRICS Leaders Meeting in south China's resort city of Sanya. Following is the summary of the joint declaration. Action Plan of the summint is retained without any changes
The theme for the discussions:  "Broad Vision, Shared Prosperity"
  1. Emphasis on the need to strengthen the global economic governance which is based on universally recognized norms of international law and in a spirit of mutual respect and collective decision making.
  2. Call for a quick achievement of the targets for the reform of the International Monetary Fund agreed to at previous G20 Summits and reiterated that the governing structure of the international financial institutions should reflect the changes in the world economy
  3. Extending support for the reform and improvement of the international monetary system, with a broad-based international reserve currency system providing stability and certainty.
United Nations
  1. Calls for a comprehensive reform of the UN, including its Security Council, with a view to making it more effective, efficient and representative, so that it can deal with today's global challenges more successfully.
  2. Determines to makes use of the given opportunity in the UN as all the BRICS nations are part of the UN security council to focus on the issues of peace and security, tostrengthen multilateral approaches and to facilitate future coordination on issues under UN Security Council consideration.
Middle East and Libya
  1. Expressdes concern over the unrest in Middle East, the North African and West African regions
  2. Criticizes the use force in Libya
  1. Strongly condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and stresses that there can be no justification, whatsoever, for any acts of terrorism, calls for early conclusion of negotiations in the UN General Assembly of the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism and its adoption by all Member States.
G 20
  1. Extends support to G 20 efforts to stabilize international financial markets, achieve strong, sustainable and balanced growth and support the growth and development of the global economy.
Energy and Climate Change
  1. Supports the development and use of renewable energy resources. Recognizes its important role as a means to address climate change.
  2. Supports the Cancun Agreements and expresses readiness to make concerted efforts with the rest of the international community to bring a successful conclusion to the negotiations at the Durban Conference applying the mandate of the Bali Roadmap and in line with the principle of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities.
  3. Committed to work towards a comprehensive, balanced and binding outcome to strengthen the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol.
  4.  Emphasies on  the international cooperation in the development of safe nuclear energy for peaceful purposes should proceed under conditions of strict observance ofrelevant safety standards and requirements concerning design, construction and operation of nuclear power plants
  1. States that growth and development are central to addressing poverty and to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Eradication of extreme poverty and hunger is a moral, social, political and economic imperative of humankind and one of the greatest global challenges facing the world today, particularly in Least Developed Countries in Africa and elsewhere.
  2. BRICS aims at contributing significantly to the development of humanityand establishing a more equitable and fair world.
  3. Reaffirms the commitment to strengthening the BRICS partnership for common development and advance BRICS cooperation in a gradual and pragmatic manner, reflecting the principles of openness, solidarity and mutual assistance. This will be inclusive and in a non-confrontational manner.
  4. Calls on the international community to actively implement the outcome document adopted by the High-level Plenary Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on the MDGs held in September 2010 and achieve the objectives of the MDGs by 2015 as scheduled.
  5. Will intensify cooperation on the Durban conference.
  6. Underscores firm commitment to strengthen dialogue and cooperation in the fields of social protection, decent work, gender equality, youth, and public health, including the fight against HIV/AIDS.
  7. Observes that excessive volatility in commodity prices, particularly those for food and energy, poses new risks for the ongoing recovery of the world economy.

Action Plan
I. Existing Cooperation Programs
  1. Hold the third Meeting of High Representatives for Security Issues in the latter half of 2011 in China.
  2. Hold the meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs during the 66th Session of the United Nations General Assembly.
  3. Hold sherpas/sous-sherpas meeting in due time.
  4. Representatives to international organizations based in New York and Geneva meet periodically in an informal manner.
  5. Ministers of Finance and Governors of Central Banks meet under the G20 frameworkand during the annual meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.
  6. Hold the Meeting of Agriculture Expert Working Group and the second Meeting of Ministers of Agriculture in 2011 in China, and cooperate in issues including establishment of BRICS System of Agricultural Information and holding a seminar on food security.
  7. Hold the Meeting of the heads of the National Statistical Institutionsin September 2011 in China.
  8. Hold the second BRICS International Competition Conference in September 2011 in China, and explore the possibility of signing an Agreement on Cooperation between Antimonopoly Agencies.
  9. Continue to hold the BRICS Think-tank Symposiums, and consider establishing a network of research centers of all BRICS countries.
  10. Hold another Business Forum prior to the next BRICS Leaders Meeting.
  11. Strengthen financial cooperation among the BRICS Development Banks.
  12. Implement the Protocol of Intent among the BRIC Countries' Supreme Courts.
  13. Release the Joint Statistical Publication by BRICS Countries.
  14. Continue to hold the Meeting of Cooperatives.
II. New Areas of Cooperation
  1. Host the first BRICS Friendship Cities and Local Governments Cooperation Forum in 2011 in China.
  2. Host the Meeting of Ministers of Health in 2011 in China.
  3. Engage in joint research on economic and trade issues.
  4. Update, as appropriate, the Bibliography on the BRICS countries.
III. New Proposals to Explore
  1. Cooperate in the cultural field according to the agreement of the BRICS leaders.
  2. Encourage cooperation in sports.
  3. Explore the feasibility to cooperate in the field of green economy.
  4. Hold a meeting of Senior Officials for discussing ways of promoting scientific, technological and innovation cooperation in BRICS format, including by establishment a working group on cooperation in pharmaceutical industry.


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